Getting Started in Advertising

Written By: Jimmy Burks

Whether you’re a Freshman just getting started in advertising, someone who just became an advertising major, or someone who is just interested in getting experience in the advertising world, these are the 3 best tips I can give you to get the best Advertising experience on campus.

First and foremost, GET INVOLVED. I still remember Steve Hall’s first lecture in Advertising 150 and at the end he showed the countless different ways to get involved in advertising on campus. There is something for everyone at a giant school and a great advertising program like ours. From strategy to creative to working with real clients or writing on a website like this, if you want the experience you have the opportunity to gain it. I have friends that have and haven’t gotten involved and the people who don’t get involved are the same ones senior year wondering what they’re going to put on their resume to get the job they want.

My second tip is to make as many connections as possible and expand your network. I was an advertising major from day one, and I knew that the 40 or so people in my first advertising class would be the same people the day you graduate. Looking at where I am today in advertising it’s amazing to think about how many friendships I have made from that class and how those connections will last. It is vital for you to start making as many connections with your peers as possible because they can be the same ones that get you a job or other opportunity down the road. Other connections, however, are just as valuable. Join things outside of advertising, meet people, make friends, talk to your professors about networking, go to job fairs, and, most importantly, start to connect with people on LinkedIn. I started my LinkedIn Freshman year and didn’t yet understand the value of making connections there for my network's growth and my future job search, but soon realized the importance of being active on LinkedIn, even if that means liking people's posts or congratulating someone for getting a job, it all helps in the long run.

My last tip is not to limit yourself to one sector of advertising.There’s so many different roles in the industry so my recommendation is to try as many out as possible to see what really interests you. College is meant to help you find out what you want to be one day, so why not be open to new roles in order to find out what you enjoy doing. I remember that I originally thought I would like to be more in the media and creative roles when coming into college, but, four years in, I now realize that I would rather be in a strategy role or even an account manager for a client one day. The point is, it is better to begin to realize what you want your career path to look like now than it is to think you know what your career will be and potentially waste your time in a position that isn’t what you expected.