Contribute to Verge
Verge is a website with content written by the community. It was founded on the belief that advertising students should have a place to come together and learn. Its success rests on contributions from students and alumni. We think you have interesting things to say.
I want to submit one article.
Want to share an experience with us? Have some advice about a topic you’d like to share? Heard something cool about the industry you want us to know?
Submit an article, and you’ll find it on our website soon!
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I want to become a regular writer for Verge.
Verge is a great place for writers to submit their work on a professional platform. We are always looking for fresh talent.
If you would like to become a regular writer for Verge, please fill out this form.
i’m not sure what to submit.
Have an idea? Want to contribute to Verge but don’t know where to start? We’re here to help! Feel free to read the guides below.
For students, check this out.
For alumni, please click here for more information and topic inspiration.
I want to showcase my creative work.
Did you make something cool you want to share? Want some input on your work? Verge is a great place to showcase your creative work on a professional platform and get feedback!
Submit your creative work to