Why I Chose Advertising

Jessica Lee

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me what my major was, I probably wouldn’t have any student debt. And if I had a dollar for every time someone asked me why I chose that major, I could drop the major and live off of that money. Okay, that’s an exaggeration, but I have been asked this question often.

There are numerous reasons behind choosing advertising as my major. In the end, it was almost a subconscious decision: “This makes sense for me to study.” My dad was a finance major and moved around in the business world to marketing, and then to purchasing where he is currently works for Caterpillar Co. My dad has a lot of influence on me and our personalities are very similar. He’s always making people laugh, telling jokes, stories, and teaching little life lessons. Although I would consider myself a little more introverted and shy than he is, a lot of our behaviors are the same.

I have always studied hard in school. However, math, despite how hard I studied, never really clicked for me. I could pass my classes, but that was the extent of my mathematics abilities. Advertising is an area of study that involves minimal math skills, but is still within the business world.

I also believe that advertising as a major and as a career reflects my personality. There are the overly cliché and corny sayings about never growing up or losing the kid inside of you. Now, I have grown up  and I attend a prestigious, four-year university. I have held multiple jobs and I am responsible with my work, whether that be school or non-school related. However, I still see many aspects of the world through what one might consider a child’s eye. I love all of the colors of nature, I “ooo” at the moon, I cry during Disney movies and I get flustered when they announce new movie releases. I like to color and paint my nails, and the Harry Potter child inside of me will always be there. Advertising appealed to me because it is a way to enter into a professional work environment while still being a little childish and creative.

My first college advertising class, Advertising 150, has also exposed me to a lot of what the advertising world entails. Our professor introduces us to different ad agencies around the globe, uses ad examples when he is introducing a new concept, and even tells of past students and their success in various advertising agencies. This introduction to advertising has made me even more intrigued and excited by the field.

Advertising is everywhere. From billboards to blimps to city buses, advertising surrounds us in our daily lives. I chose advertising with a little inspiration from my dad and for the opportunity to be creative and have fun in a professional work environment. I am very excited and eager to see what the future holds.