Web Designer

(AKA: web developer)

Web Designer2.jpeg

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Meet with clients to understand website needs

  • Write code for the website

  • Determine the website’s layout

  • Add video, audio, and graphics to the website

  • Keep the site up-to-date

  • Solve code problems

What is a web designer?

Web designers conceptualize, design and create websites based on client needs. It is necessary for them to understand both computer programming as well as graphic design. In order to be a web designer, you must be creative, detail-oriented, and have a high level of concentration.


Classes to take:

  • CS 105: Intro Computing: Non-Tech

  • CS 125: Intro to Computer Science

  • CS 126: Software Design Studio

  • ARTD 217: Graphic Design for Non-Majors

  • ADV 461: Computational Advertising

  • ADV 492: Tech and Advertising Campaigns